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I've been working on this for a little while and I'm really excited about it. I thought I'd post it and see if there was any response. Even if there isn't I'll probably keep posting it.

I'll post the first official chapter in just over a week (Friday, September 29th). After that I'm not sure how often I'll post. I've written about ten chapters (up through episode 4), but I want to make sure I've got plenty written so that I don't catch up with myself so that I'm posting chapters as soon as I write them. I'll give an update on when I'll be posting with the first chapter.

Until then, please enjoy. This is just a very quick explanation into how Celeste joined the institute and her relationships with everyone there. Once the story starts we'll get more into the meat of things.

It was a late July night and all of the Shadowhunters at the institute were finishing up their missions before heading back for a good night's rest

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It was a late July night and all of the Shadowhunters at the institute were finishing up their missions before heading back for a good night's rest. Everything was pretty normal in the shadow world. All missions had gone as planned, just as they had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.

All of that would change tonight though, because when one particular group of three Shadowhunters arrived back, they would find a small bundle of blankets on the front steps. Upon further inspection, they would find that it was a young girl who was currently asleep.

The young girl would awake to the sound of their voices as they tried to decide what to do with her. As Shadowhunters, they were supposed to protect mundanes, but taking them in was certainly not in the job description.

She'd soon prove them wrong about being mundane though, as despite their glamour, when she woke up she began to whimper and reach out for them. Her soft cries along with her looking them straight in the eyes quickly broke down the youngest of them.

"She's obviously not a mundane if she can see us. And she doesn't seem to be Downworlder either, so she must be one of us. We can't just leave her out here. Let's go to Maryse and see what she thinks." The blonde haired girl suggested.

The other two girls agreed, albeit reluctantly, and that was exactly what they did.

When the oldest of the group picked the young girl up to bring her inside, she heard the small clanking sound of metal. She quickly realized it was a necklace. A pair of angel wings with a circular symbol with a star hanging in between them, which only strengthened the idea that she must be a Shadowhunter. On the back of the necklace, it read one word.


So that was what they called her.

Though she was technically adopted into the Lightwood family, by the time she'd been there for five years and looked to be around the age of six, she had the whole institute wrapped around her little fingers. Raising Celeste soon became a group project, and though she took on the Lightwood name, she came to be a part of everyone's family. Seeing little Celeste running around was all that it took to brighten anyone's day, and no one ever minded taking a bit of time to play with her if she asked them -- provided they weren't in the middle of important work.

Her and her siblings became quite close, and they all loved having her around. Alec became just as protective of her as he was with Izzy, and perhaps even more so since she appeared to be a year or two younger. She was one of the few people that could get him to smile or laugh no matter what mood he was in. Izzy loved having another girl around, and the two of them often spent time playing dress up. Though they would grow up to have much different styles, they were memories the two of them would cherish forever.

When Jace first joined the family, he was often annoyed with the young girl following him around and trying to befriend him all the time. But much like anyone else who met her, he soon gave in and found what a wonderful girl she was to be around. Eventually he and Celeste ended up dating as well, and the two of them were as happy as they could possibly be.

 Eventually he and Celeste ended up dating as well, and the two of them were as happy as they could possibly be

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Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this! Feedback is much appreciated! See you guys in about a week!

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