Chapter 17

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Once again, I'm really sorry that I had to postpone getting this chapter out to you guys. I just had a lot going on lately, and didn't get a chance to finish it in time. BUT, there's an extra added scene that my friend helped me come up with and I think you guys are going to really enjoy it. Hopefully it can make up for the lateness of the chapter.

And because of the lateness, I'll let you guys get on with the story and I'll do all my talking at the end of the chapter. Hope you like it!

Shoutout to @sereneur who has been incredibly patient with me and all of my requests. She did a fantastic job on yet another typography, which you can see below.

 She did a fantastic job on yet another typography, which you can see below

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The next morning, Alec found his way to Magnus's apartment with Celeste's necklace in his pocket

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The next morning, Alec found his way to Magnus's apartment with Celeste's necklace in his pocket. He stood at the door for a while, trying to get up the courage to knock on it.

When he finally did, it didn't take long for Magnus to come answer.

Upon seeing the tall Shadowhunter, he found himself smiling.

"Alexander." He said in greeting, and backed up to let him through the door. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Suddenly, the daze Alec had gone into when Magnus answered the door was over, and he remembered why he was here.

He followed Magnus into the main room, but when Magnus took a seat, he did not. He wasn't planning on staying long. He took Celeste's necklace out of his pocket and held it out for Magnus to see.

"I need you to see if there was any magic used on this necklace." He stated.

The warlock took the necklace into his hands and peered up at Alec in confusion. "Isn't this Celeste's?" He realized that the Shadowhunters must have thought the necklace was the reason her runes had disappeared.

"Does it matter?" Alec asked, trying to get the visit over with. When Magnus raised one eyebrow at his outburst, he sighed. "Can you just tell me if it's been tampered with by magic?"

Magnus decided to let it go, and set the necklace on the coffee table in front of him. After a few seconds of hovering his hand above it and using his magic to scan it, he shook his head.

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