Chapter 16

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This is it guys! The moment you've all been waiting for (And so have I)! And we get straight into the action right away, so I won't keep you any longer. Read on friends!

P.S. It's still Friday here for almost another hour, so I'm not late!

P.P.S. The gorgeous typography below was once again made by the fantastic @GoddessofNostalgia! I think this one might be the best one yet. Thanks again!

 Thanks again!

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	As the clock struck midnight Celeste awoke from her sleep to the most excruciating pain she'd ever felt in her life

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As the clock struck midnight Celeste awoke from her sleep to the most excruciating pain she'd ever felt in her life. Her back felt like it was on fire and was being stabbed repeatedly with the sharpest knife in the world. She screamed as loud as she could as she felt what she could only assume was her own blood streaming down her back.

Clary, Jace, and Izzy were all still in the basement with Raphael and Simon, but Alec was asleep just across the hall after making his exit earlier.

Alec awoke to the sound of screaming, and quickly recognized who it was. He'd never heard her scream so loud in his life before, and he was terrified of what it could mean. It sounded like she was being murdered.

He quickly threw the covers off of him and raced across the hallway without even bothering to put a shirt on.

Right before he could get to Celeste's door, he saw a few other Shadowhunters coming to see what was going on.

"I got it. I'll take care of it." He told them, before opening the door and quickly shutting it behind him as he turned the light on in her room.

The sight before him was terrifying.

Celeste's bed was covered in blood, even though he couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first. Intermixed with the blood and the sheets were feathers that all seemed to be drenched in blood as well.

But perhaps the most shocking part of the scene was the blood covered wings that seemed to be growing out of Celeste's back. They seemed to still be growing in size as he stood there looking at them.


She looked up at him with a terrified and pain filled expression as she tried to control her cries.

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