Chapter 4

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Oh my gosh you guys! I'm two days late for this update! I'm so sorry about this. I had a super crazy week and this has been the first time I've been on my computer in several days. I won't bore you with the details though.

Shoutout to @sereneur for creating this fantastic cover for the story. I love it! And they also created the gorgeous typography that is featured below. Thanks again!

Anyway, I am excited to say that this is the first chapter where we see things start to happen for Celeste's storyline. We finally got to some of the good stuff! So without further ado, I present the next chapter!

 We finally got to some of the good stuff! So without further ado, I present the next chapter!

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Ever since Clary had shown up to the institutewith her world flipped upside down, everyone had been a little more tense than usual

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Ever since Clary had shown up to the institutewith her world flipped upside down, everyone had been a little more tense than usual. No one was more affected by it than Alec Lightwood. Celeste hated seeing her brother in such a bad mood, so she was determined to do something to help, even just a little bit.

When she and Alec were walking together to the training room to find the others, she jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride, just like she would on any other day.

"What are you doing?"

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm getting a piggyback ride." She responded easily.

Alec sighed, pretending to be annoyed. They both knew he was faking it though, which caused Celeste to giggle a bit.

They had come into view of the others, so Celeste hopped off of Alec's back and raced over to beat him there. But not before looking over her shoulder at him and sticking her tongue out as she ran.

He rolled his eyes at this, but fought off a laugh.

Celeste joined the others, just a few steps ahead of Alec. They were all getting ready to head out on their mission, which was to find a Warlock named Dot, who they believed had taken Clary's memories.

"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." She could barely hear Izzy tell Jace.

Celeste stifled a laugh, and it only got worse when Alec's response ended up being just as Izzy had predicted.

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