Chapter 31

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm a day late on this. I seem to have zero concept of time anymore and can't seem to keep track of what day it is anymore. Anyway, this chapter is only lightly edited but I still wanted to get it published for you guys as soon as possible. I'll go back and edit it later.

As usual, the extremely talented @sereneur has created another amazing typography that you can see below. They always do an incredible job with bringing my visions to life. 😊

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Celeste awoke with a start, everything that had happened to her rushing into her mind like a tidal wave

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Celeste awoke with a start, everything that had happened to her rushing into her mind like a tidal wave. Hodge, Lydia, the Cup. Everything came back to her at once. She jolted into a sitting position as she tried to take in her surroundings. Unfortunately, she couldn't see much of anything as the room was almost pitch black.

She was about to stumble her way around the room looking blindly for a lightswitch, but she remembered that night at the City of Bones when she had been able to sharpen her eyesight just by thinking about it. Her reading had told her that shadowhunters used their runes to channel the powers of the angels. It had worked once before, and even though that was a different rune, it was worth a shot again.

So with that in mind, she stared straight ahead of her and pictured the Nyx Rune in her mind. Much to her delight, after a couple seconds it seemed to work. She could suddenly make out the room around her.

Celeste stood up and immediately began searching for the lightswitch. She wasn't sure how this power worked and whether it would wear off, and to be honest, the Nyx Rune and the night vision it gave her had always given her a bit of a headache.

It didn't take long before she found it next to one of the two doors in the room, and then she spun around to examine the place.

The room was quite small, but it was obviously a bedroom. She had woken up on a decently comfortable bed, and the only other furniture was a nightstand with a lamp on it that provided the only light in the room, and a dresser. The walls were a shade of beige and were completely bare of any decoration. The floor was a dark hardwood, with a couple of minor scuffs around the furniture.

The dresser contained a few sets of clothes, all plain black and looking like something she'd wear for either a mission or training. Realizing she was still wearing her navy blue dress from the wedding, she grabbed a tank top, a pair of leggings, a pair of combat boots, and a set of undergarments, and was surprised to find that they were in fact her size. There was even a pile of belts for her to tie her wings down with.

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