Chapter 1

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Oh my gosh you guys, I'm so sorry. I'm a full week late! But I actually think I'm going to end up using this once every two weeks updating schedule. It'll give me enough to to stay caught up with my writing and updating schedule, while also letting you guys get new material on a regular basis. 

Anyway, this is the first official chapter! I'm so excited to get started and for you guys to see how Celeste fits into the show and how her own story line progresses. I've got quite a bit of season 1 planned out, and now it just comes down to writing it.

P.S., shoutout to @Frost_Bite98 for creating the typography below. :)

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Celeste was getting changed into some black gear before the group was going to head off on a new mission

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Celeste was getting changed into some black gear before the group was going to head off on a new mission. She was searching through her messy room, trying to figure out where her favorite leather jacket was. She had just found it when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Celeste! We've gotta go, hurry up." Alec called through the door.

She pulled her leather jacket on as she called out a quick, "Coming!"

When she opened the door, she found Alec on the other side, leaning against the wall as he waited for her.

"Took you long enough."

She just laughed. "Oh, chill out Al. Everything's fine." She said, using her childhood nickname for him.

Coming from anyone else he hated the name, but he knew that having a name to call him that was just her own made her feel special, and that giving people nicknames was how she showed her love for them. So he let her, and over the years he grew fond of it coming from her.

"Come on, we gotta go before Jace leaves without us."

Celeste rolled her eyes. "Again." She laughed remembering the time Izzy took so long to get ready that while Alec and Celeste were trying to hurry her up, Jace ended up just going off to do the mission alone. It was years ago, but dating or not, she didn't think that would make a difference now.

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