Chapter 28

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Alright, now that we got through that downer of a chapter, hopefully we can pick the story back up again quickly. 

Also, I apologize for the delay on this chapter. With everything going on these days, it completely slipped my mind to post this chapter yesterday. Sorry!

Once again, the amazing creation below was created by the lovely and talented @sereneur. Thanks again to them for putting up with my randomly popping into their inbox with a new idea and quote every few weeks, and they never missing a beat. You're the best! 😄❤️

 You're the best! 😄❤️

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For the last two hours, Celeste had been helping Izzy with the wedding plans

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For the last two hours, Celeste had been helping Izzy with the wedding plans. Everyone who had seen her had noticed the gloomy rain cloud that seemed to follow her around, but she shook their concerns off. She didn't want to acknowledge what had happened. It was almost like once she said it out loud, that would make it all the more real.

So instead, she did her best to keep her head down and avoid her now ex-boyfriend.

And it worked. The second she saw him in a hallway, she was able to busy herself with placing flowers or putting up curtains in another room.

At least it was working. Until she was called for a meeting with Clary, Jace, Magnus, and Hodge.

The two young Shadowhunters arrived at the same time as Celeste, all three of them taking a spot around the table Magnus was already seated at.

"Morning." Clary greeted them all.


"Morning Clary. Jace."

Neither Clary nor Magnus missed the fact that she hadn't used her nickname for him and the fact that they were seated as far from each other as the table allowed. However besides a shared glance of confusion, neither of them commented on it.

"You just come from training?" Jace asked, trying to change the subject.

Given the options, he found an awkward conversation with his new sister to be more bearable than an awkward silence with his ex-girlfriend he was still in love with and had obviously hurt deeply.

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