Chapter 27

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Hey guys! Look at me, updating on time for once! Probably due to having nothing else to do (what with everything going on in the world keeping me indoors and bored out of my mind) but it's still an accomplishment.

I hope you have your tissues ready for this chapter, because it's a doozy. It's a little on the shorter side, but I think you might need the break after what I throw at you at the very beginning.

Once again, thank you to @sereneur for making the gorgeous creation below!

Once again, thank you to @sereneur for making the gorgeous creation below!

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After giving Clary her support, Celeste decided it was best to leave the girl in peace with her mother as she processed the day's events

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After giving Clary her support, Celeste decided it was best to leave the girl in peace with her mother as she processed the day's events. However, she still wanted answers about what had happened after she left, so she set off to find the only other Shadowhunter who could give them to her.

It hadn't taken long to find her boyfriend. When he wasn't in his room, the very next place she checked was the training room. Sure enough, there he was, relentlessly pummeling a punching bag as a sheen of sweat covered his body. What really shocked her was that for the second time ever she saw two colors surrounding someone.

Just like with Lydia, Jace's usual light brown color was joined by a dark red surrounding it. She still wasn't sure what these colors meant, but she was pretty sure the second color had to do with strong emotions and it didn't take a genius to realize what emotion he was feeling right now.

"Jay." She called out, just loud enough for him to hear over the sound of his fists hitting the bag.

She knew he'd heard her because she could see the muscles in his back tense at her voice as he paused his assault. But it only lasted a couple of seconds before he continued his attacks as if she wasn't there.

Jace knew that this conversation was coming, but he'd been dreading it. Despite knowing this, he'd still been holding on to the thin string of hope that he could ignore all of the events that had taken place in the last few hours.

With her standing behind him, he knew there was no hiding from it now, but that didn't stop him from ignoring her in hopes it would give him just a little more time.

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