Chapter 11

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Well would you look at that. An update that was actually on time! (Though I attribute that to my favorite sport in the Winter Olympics not being on TV tonight...) 

Check out the typography below! It's yet another amazing creation that @GoddessofNostalgia made for me. Thank you so much, you're the best.

This chapter marks the beginning of episode five! I can't believe we've gotten this far already. I've definitely got to work on writing more before we catch up!

Anyway, on to the chapter! Enjoy!

Anyway, on to the chapter! Enjoy!

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"Come on Al, is that all you've got?" Celeste teased her brother with a giggle as she ducked out of the way of another punch

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"Come on Al, is that all you've got?" Celeste teased her brother with a giggle as she ducked out of the way of another punch.

The two siblings were sparring in the training room without any weapons. They were always very evenly matched, but usually Celeste would end up winning in the end. She always thought it was because Alec let her win though.

Alec didn't bother to respond, though he did roll his eyes at her. This left him open to a kick to his legs that knocked him to the ground, but he quickly got back up before Celeste could pin him.

They circled each other for a while, waiting for the other to make the next move. Right as Celeste found a weakness in Alec's stance and was about to go in for it, Alec suddenly spun around as though someone had called his name.

Alec had turned around towards the door. In the doorway was a brown haired figure, but they were hidden behind a large amount of soldiers wearing all black so she couldn't make out who the person was.

Celeste turned back to Alec looking confused.

"Al? Who are they?"

Alec didn't even reply, and instead started walking over towards them.

"Al? Al? Where are you going?"

Alec didn't even seem to be able to hear her though, and just continued walking.

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