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Oh my gosh you guys this is it! This is the official end of Love and War!

I do apologize for this being so late. College has been kicking my butt this semester and I just couldn't find the time to finish this. But we've finally made it, and I'm excited for you to see the set up for book two!

Once again, I would like to thank sereneur for all of the gorgeous creations they have made over the last year and a half. Thank you for sticking with me this entire time, I really do appreciate you. Here is one last typography from them to round out the story.

 Here is one last typography from them to round out the story

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Celeste didn't get a wink of sleep that night

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Celeste didn't get a wink of sleep that night. All she did was toss and turn as she pictured that look Jace had given her as he walked through the portal. It broke her heart each time she thought about it, not knowing if it would be the last memory she had of him.

She was exhausted, and despite wanting nothing more than to fall asleep, her mind was wide awake with thoughts of Jace.

She wondered what he was doing right now.

She wondered whether he'd gotten any sleep last night either.

She wondered how many people he had fought by now trying to get out.

She wondered when he would realize that the best strategy would be to play nice and wait for an opening.

She wondered if Valentine had made him dinner too.

She wondered what room he was staying in.

She wondered if she'd ever see him again.

Eventually her stomach gave an audible protest, breaking her from her thoughts. She didn't know what time it was, but by the light streaming in her windows she knew it was late in the day since she was on the west side of the building. Even though she didn't feel hungry, she supposed it would be a good idea to get something to eat.

It took no less than five minutes to work up the energy to leave the warmth of her sheets. She didn't even bother to change her clothes, still in the pajamas from when she was on the ship. The only thing her mind could focus on was getting food that she didn't even want.

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