Chapter 5

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Oh geez, I'm late again. Work has gotten so busy now that the holidays are getting so close, and unfortunately, it's not going to get any better until New Year's is over. However, next week I have finals and then I'm done with classes for about a month so that'll free up a little bit of time. But I'm doing my best guys! I swear!

But, there's some cute scenes in here, whether you're a fan of her and Jace's romantic relationship, or her sibling relationship with Alec, I've got a scene for each of you! I hope you enjoy them.

Huge thank you to @sereneur who did an incredible job with the typography below! This one is quite possible my all time favorite that they have made for me so far!

Huge thank you to @sereneur who did an incredible job with the typography below! This one is quite possible my all time favorite that they have made for me so far!

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Celeste had made sure that the entrance to the institute was in her sights as she did her work in Ops so that as soon as everyone got back she'd know it

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Celeste had made sure that the entrance to the institute was in her sights as she did her work in Ops so that as soon as everyone got back she'd know it. When the door finally opened and the group came in, she was a little surprised by the expressions on everyone's faces.

Jace and Alec both looked angry about something, Clary looked very scared and nervous, and Izzy seemed to be conflicted about something, probably somewhere in between the two sides of what Celeste assumed was an argument between the two boys.

"I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than... than what you people call mundanes?" She heard Clary asked as she quickly made her way over to them.

"We aren't." Celeste answered before any of the others could. When all of them had turned their attention to her she continued, "Now who wants to fill me in on what I missed?"

"The girl is Valentine's daughter." Alec spat as he glared at the girl in question.

Jace crossed his arms over his chest, obviously feeling similar to his parabatai on the matter.

This explained the expressions on everyone's faces now. But Celeste's reaction to this news was unlike anyone else's.

She smacked Jace and Alec, since they were the ones closest to her. When they looked at her in confusion, she explained.

"Shame on you guys!" She scolded. "We can't choose who our parents are! And besides, it sounds to me like she can only ever remember having Jocelyn in her life. She doesn't even remember Valentine, if she ever met him at all. And may I remind you that we don't know who my parents are either? For all we know, they could have been some of Valentine's most loyal followers. And if they were, would you blame me for that? Of course not. So why would you blame Clary for it?"

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