Chapter 33

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Hey guys! I am so sorry for the wait on this one. I just moved in to my college dorm room the day before I was supposed to post this, and then classes started last week, so things have been a little crazy.

I can hardly believe it and I have so many emotions, but without further ado I present to you the FINAL chapter of Love and War.

Once again, feast your eyes on the incredible typography created by @sereneur! As usual, it turned out beautifully.

Once again, feast your eyes on the incredible typography created by @sereneur! As usual, it turned out beautifully

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While Celeste thought herself to have a good memory, it wasn't perfect

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While Celeste thought herself to have a good memory, it wasn't perfect. Having only been to this part of the institute a few times, she couldn't remember the exact details like which names were written on which stones in the wall or which pillars had been damaged. But the overhead ring lights illuminating the hall and the statue of an angel in battle armor was something she recognized immediately.

Her mind raced with explanations, but none of them seemed plausible.

She was certain that this couldn't be the real institute. Last night she'd come to the conclusion that Valentine had at least one warlock working for him, so perhaps it was a powerful warlock glamor.

Valentine enjoyed playing games with people, but she didn't think he would risk taking her off that boat. Not until he had some way of ensuring she would return.

She wondered if this was just another part of the dream. She'd had plenty of strange dreams that felt like they were real over the last few weeks. But no matter how many times she blinked or pinched herself, nothing was happening.

Despite her previous certainty, the more she'd run through the possibilities the more doubt crept into her mind about the authenticity of the room she was in. The one thing she knew for sure was that the only way to find out where she was and how she'd gotten there would be to see where the elevator took her.

Celeste found herself pushing the button to call the lift over and over as if that would make it come faster. She had pressed that button at least eight times by the time it finally showed up, and pressed the button for the lobby at least three times before the doors closed behind her.

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