Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Look at that! Two updates in a row that were on time. I'm so proud of myself. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Once again, @sereneur pulled through with a great typography for my quote. They always do an incredible job for me.

 They always do an incredible job for me

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That night, Jace couldn't get to sleep

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That night, Jace couldn't get to sleep. He was too busy worrying about Celeste.

He was pissed to find out that her blood apparently smelled sweeter than any of the others to vampires. At least he assumed it was all vampires and not just that one. Even if it had been just that one, he was upset that she'd been so close to him. Vampires weren't exactly known for their control, and if anything had happened to her, he would have been devastated.

Not only that, but Izzy had told him before they all went to bed that Alec said she'd had something weird happen to her before they went to rescue Simon. She'd told him that she didn't know the details, but whatever it was had been enough to get Alec to try and make her stay back at the institute. Of course in true Celeste fashion, she had gone anyway.

He didn't get a chance to ask Alec for the details, since his parabatai was still quite mad at him from their argument, but he planned to find out soon. If something was wrong with her, he needed to know so that he could keep her out of trouble.

He eventually gave up on trying to fall asleep, and instead spent the time taking his anger and worry out on training with a practice dummy in his room.

He'd been at it for a good hour or so when Clary came into his room unannounced.

"Jace, I need to talk to you about something, it's really..." She trailed off when she found him shirtless. "Oh... Sorry. I... I really should have knocked first." She laughed awkwardly.

Even though she liked Celeste and knew he was dating her, she still found Jace very attractive, and was a bit jealous of Celeste. Jace had saved her life, and that wasn't something that she would forget about anytime soon. He was her knight in shining armor. And his looks certainly didn't help the situation.

Jace smiled cockily. He may have a girlfriend that he loved very much, but it didn't mean he didn't like having other girls notice his looks.

"Let me grab a shirt."

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