Chapter 3

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Yay! I got a chapter up on time for once! Hopefully this will be something that continues.

As much as I enjoyed the last chapter where we got to see how her family talks about Celeste when she's not there (or in this case not listening), this time we get to see actual interaction between them, and she also gets to meet Clary and Simon formally for the first time.

Also, another shoutout to @rhittee for making a second fabulous typography for the story. It can be seen below. I really love it, so another huge thank you.

@TheFrenchWriter75, we get to see the beginning of the answer to your question. Throughout the chapter even the relationships between Clary and Celeste changes, and I'm excited to see what you think! Let me know!

I'll get on with it since half of you probably won't read this note anyways, so without further ado, I present to you: Chapter 3!

I'll get on with it since half of you probably won't read this note anyways, so without further ado, I present to you: Chapter 3!

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Celeste awoke with a small yawn

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Celeste awoke with a small yawn. He back was killing her even worse than it had been before. She could only hope that this girl, Clary, would wake up soon so that she could go back to sleeping in an actual bed again.

When she glanced up to check on her though, the girl was gone.

Her eyes widened in horror. She'd spent all this time waiting for her to wake up and when she finally did, Celeste was asleep. She'd lost her!

She was sure she hadn't been asleep for that long, so surely Clary couldn't have gotten far. And someone had to have noticed the girl trying to leave, she was hard to miss with that red hair.

Celeste sprinted out of the infirmary, ready to scour the entire institute. She first went to Ops, hoping to find either one of her siblings or her boyfriend. Hopefully they had seen the girl.

The first person she spotted was Jace, standing in front of a monitor. She quickly raced over to him and grabbed him by the forearm to get his attention.

"Jay! The girl is--" She cut herself off when she noticed the two people standing beside him. "Gone..." She breathed out in relief.

Celeste's entrance had caught Alec's attention, and he quickly stood from where he was sitting at a few computers and headed over to them. He was very unhappy to find yet another stranger with them, and this one he was certain was a mundane.

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