Chapter 10

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Oh my gosh! It's Sunday already! I'm sorry guys. I've been so caught up with the Olympics I completely forgot about this story! To make it up to you, this chapter is SUPER long (perhaps one of the longest??? Not 100% sure about that, but it's definitely up there).

I'm so excited to share this chapter with you. My second flashback is in it, and it gave me all the feels to write it. So I'm not going to keep you guys any longer, and I'll just let you read. Hope you like it!

Check out the fantastic typography below, created by @GoddessofNostalgia! It's so perfect, I love it!

Check out the fantastic typography below, created by @GoddessofNostalgia! It's so perfect, I love it!

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The walk to Magnus's place was a lot shorter than Celeste had expected it to be

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The walk to Magnus's place was a lot shorter than Celeste had expected it to be. She'd thought Magnus would be somewhere that would be harder to get to, but he was only a mile or two away in what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. The experienced Shadowhunters didn't bat an eye at the appearance, knowing that it was simply a warlock glamour and forgot how strange it must have seemed to Clary.

She and Jace lead the way inside with their hands intertwined and their free hands already holding seraph blades to protect themselves. Jace had a bad feeling about going after Magnus and he wanted to keep Celeste close throughout their entire visit. He knew that they'd probably be split up if fighting were to begin, but he wanted her as close as possible in order to keep a better eye on her.

"Magnus's lair is just behind that fence." Jace told the group, pointing towards a fence up on the upper level with his seraph blade.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary finally asked the question she'd been wondering since they walked in.

It just didn't make sense that Magnus would dress as fancy as he does only to live in a dirty warehouse. She'd expected something much more classy and chic.

"Not exactly." Jace said with a slight roll of his eyes, but didn't add any more explanation than that.

Celeste turned around to face the confused girl and continued for him. "It's a warlock glamour. Kind of like how we can cast glamours on ourselves or objects using runes. Only warlocks can take it to another level and cast them on their surroundings, or even other people."

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