Chapter 22

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Wow! Look at me, updating on time! I haven't done that in a while, huh?

As usual, the lovely typography below was created by the equally lovely @sereneur! Thank you so much for always putting up with me. :)

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Celeste hadn't wanted to stick around in the training room while Jace stole Alec's stele and opened the safe

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Celeste hadn't wanted to stick around in the training room while Jace stole Alec's stele and opened the safe. Despite knowing it was the right thing to do, she still felt a bit of guilt going against her older brother. It didn't seem right for them to be on opposite sides. The two of them had always fought beside each other, not against each other.

Jace however had no problem with it. They may be parabatai, but Alec hadn't been the same lately, and he didn't feel like the guy he'd bonded himself to.

Once Celeste had gotten changed into some black clothes that were worthy of a night mission and yet loose enough to keep her wings from being noticeable, she went to the training room to meet Jace and Izzy. The two of them were already there, packing their weapons for the rescue mission.

Celeste quickly joined Izzy who had slightly red rimmed eyes already. The two of them packed up a black bag with the supplies they thought they might need.

"You two might want to pick up the pace." Jace told them.

Izzy glared at him. "You do not want to get on my bad side right now."

Celeste put her hand on Izzy's arm, hoping to calm her down and let her know she was there for her. Izzy sent the smallest possible smile to her at the gesture.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Celeste asked.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Jace added.

"The whole world is turning upside down. Simon turned into a vampire. Now Meliorn might die because of some---"

Celeste quickly cut her off. "Hey, it's not your fault."

Jace nodded in agreement. "They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together, and came up with a big lie."

"I wish that made me feel better." Izzy said, zipping up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder as she turned to leave.

However none of them had noticed that Hodge had just walked into the room wondering what they were doing there. The trio turned around only to be face to face with him.

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