Chapter 29

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Wow! It took you guys less than a week to reach my goal this time. That's incredible, and I have no idea how you did it so fast. As a reward for reaching that goal, as promised, here is the new chapter. And to make it extra special, it's really long.

The incredible @sereneur really proved their talents this time. Not only did they have to deal with my indecisiveness and made me four versions of the amazing typography below, but they did so within 48 hours of me sending them the quote! No idea how they do it, and I'll probably continue to wonder forever. I'm just thankful I found them and haven't scared them off yet. 😉

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Izzy had planned for the bachelor party to be the last thing they did in preparation for the wedding that night

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Izzy had planned for the bachelor party to be the last thing they did in preparation for the wedding that night. So after the girls managed to get the boys to the party, Izzy sent Celeste off to bed with promises that she wouldn't be far behind.

It had been almost an hour since she'd made this promise though, as she was waiting to hear how the bachelor party had gone.

The institute was getting quieter and quieter as the clock ticked on, and Izzy was starting to fall asleep in her chair after a long day of planning. But when footsteps rounded the corner, she shot up to see her brother coming straight for her.

He didn't let her get a word out before he was questioning her.

"Did you know that Jace broke up with Celeste?"

Izzy blinked a few times in surprise, unsure if she'd even heard that right.

"Jace broke up with Celeste?"

Alec nodded, running his hand through his hair. "Yesterday. Did you know about this?"

"No! I mean, she seemed a little off all day but I never would have guessed that was why."

Thoughts and ideas were spinning through their minds as they went back over the day, seeing everything in a new light.

Izzy had thought it was very strange that she only changed out of her pajamas around noon and it was only when she went to get alterations to the dress she'd be wearing for the wedding tomorrow. She had shrugged it off, assuming she was just too focused on everything they had to get done today.

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