Chapter 14

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This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but hopefully the content makes up for it. We're getting really close to finding out what's been happening to Celeste, and I'm so excited you guys. I've had the scene written for weeks, and am almost caught up with the story to insert it!

Shout out to @GoddessofNostalgia for once again creating a fantastic typography that you can see below. You never let me down with these, they always end up looking so nice! Thanks again!

That's all for now, I'll let you guys get on with the chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

 Hope you enjoy it!

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It was dark

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It was dark. So dark, some might even say it was pitch black. But Celeste could just barely make out the edges of the hallway she was standing in. In front of her, the hallways seemed to go on forever before disappearing when it got so dark there was no possible way to see anything.

When she spun around to observe the space behind her, she noticed a light in the distance in the shape of a small rectangle.

A door.

Celeste slowly crept her way down the hallway, using her hands to guide her along the walls towards what she hoped was an exit. As she continued forward, she started to hear a clock ticking faintly in the distance. It seemed to be coming from the doorway, as it got louder the closer she got to it.

Not only was it getting louder though, but it was getting faster. She realized that it wasn't a clock that was ticking, it was a timer of sorts.

She wasn't sure what would happen when the timer went off, but the sound gave her a sense of dread. Her heart began to beat faster and faster, just as the ticking was doing until she was sure her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

The closer she got to the doorway, the brighter the light became until she had to use one of her hands to shield her eyes. The second she stepped through the threshold though, the light dimmed enough for her to be able to see again.

The moment her eyes adjusted to the scene in front of her, she wished they hadn't.

The room was quite large, and on one side of the room was a large figure sitting behind a huge desk. They were so big, that the figure was too tall for her to be able to make out a face. The one thing she did notice though, was the gavel in the figure's hand.

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