Chapter 12

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I'm sorry this is late guys. I was on vacation visiting family last week and I just got back into town last night. I totally meant to post this before I went to bed on Friday, and then I totally forgot. 

To make it up to you, some crazy stuff goes down in this chapter that really gets the plot line going! Hopefully you enjoy it.

Also, if you scroll down just a little bit, you can see yet another gorgeous typography created by the extremely talented @GoddessofNostalgia! An extra special thank you to them this time, because they dealt with the eight million changes I'd asked for. It turned out exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

 It turned out exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

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When Izzy, Jace, and Celeste came through the door to Clary's burned down apartment and heard commotion coming from upstairs, they expected a fight

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When Izzy, Jace, and Celeste came through the door to Clary's burned down apartment and heard commotion coming from upstairs, they expected a fight. Instead, after rushing upstairs with weapons drawn, they found Alec throwing random items around what they assumed was Clary's room.

Even more surprising than that, was that Clary was not with him.

Celeste's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Where's Clary?" She continued looking around the room even as she asked the question, as if thinking the missing girl would pop out from somewhere.

"She's gone." Alec informed them, as he avoided their eyes.

"What do you mean gone?" Izzy asked.

"She and Simon got arrested when I was securing the fire escape." Alec told them truthfully. "I-I got distracted."

Every word that came out of Alec's mouth was only proving to anger Jace more and more.

"The mundane was here?"

Celeste hit her boyfriend on the side of his arm. "His name is Simon." She informed, even though she knew it probably wouldn't make a difference.

"He's gone too?" Izzy asked.

"It was an unmarked car. I don't know where they took her." Alec said, actually seeming to feel bad about it.

"What did you do Alec?" Jace asked angrily.

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