Chapter 15

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Check it out guys! I'm on fire with these timely updates! I'm so proud. Although I might have just jinxed myself, so we'll see what happens next time... :P

Anyway, for the first time in forever (or possibly ever...) I had things together and managed to request a typography with plenty of time BEFORE publishing the chapter, and you guys all get to see it, not just those of you who re-read old chapters or find the story later. So a huge thank you to @GoddessofNostalgia for making this one below. It's so pretty! (As usual... :D)

And besides that, I don't have anything else to tell you. So on with the story!

 So on with the story!

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Celeste found herself sitting on the edge of a dock on the pier

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Celeste found herself sitting on the edge of a dock on the pier. She had her feet dangling in the water as she made small waves with them. The sun had already set, so the only light available came from the lamp posts back by the shore and the stars in the sky. Despite the darkness, it was pleasant out. The temperature was nice and the people nearby her on the shoreline were relatively quiet.

And yet something was wrong.

Upon further inspection, she could make out a storm in the distance, further out into the sea. Lighting bolts and the accompanying thunder began, but they were too far away to be something for her to worry about. They still gave her a terrible feeling though.

She didn't have any reason to be alarmed until she noticed a dark mass floating in the water.

She stood up in order to get a better look at whatever it was, and realized with a jolt that it was a person.

The tide was bringing them out further towards the storm, and the person didn't even seem to be fighting it. They must not have realized that they were drifting away. Or that they were headed straight for the thunderstorm.

Celeste quickly dove from the dock and began to swim towards whoever was out there.

The further away from the shore she got, the harder the waves pounded her. Whoever was out there, even if they had noticed what was going on, would never be able to make it back on their own anymore.

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