Chapter 2

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I'm sorry I'm a whole day late! I was even thinking about it and reminded myself that I still needed to update and I still forgot. Sorry guys!

But I want to give a shout out to @Rhittee for creating the gorgeous typography below! Thanks!

But I want to give a shout out to @Rhittee for creating the gorgeous typography below! Thanks!

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It had been two days since the unconscious girl had been brought in

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It had been two days since the unconscious girl had been brought in. Since then, all they'd learned about her was her name.

Clary Fray.

Celeste had been so worried about the girl that whenever she wasn't training or eating, she was seated right beside her. She'd even taken to sleeping there, which was probably the cause of her lack of sleep and her back pain.

Even despite the fact that her body didn't appreciate her choices, she was glad she did it. She didn't want Clary to wake up in the middle of the night with no one around. She could only imagine just how terrified she'd be.

This is what led to her being asleep when Izzy came in to check on her.

Izzy stifled a laugh at the odd position she'd fallen asleep in, but was careful not to wake her up. She knew just how little sleep Celeste had been getting, and wanted to let her sleep for as long as possible.

Since Celeste had fallen asleep in the chair next to the bed, Izzy took a seat at the foot of the bed to wait for one of them to wake up.

Clary was muttering in her sleep while her hand was clutching the necklace she was wearing. The necklace was simple, yet still gorgeous nonetheless. It was a plain purple gemstone. At the moment it was glowing, which Izzy found odd, but she didn't get a chance to wonder about it because Clary suddenly shot upright and the two girls hit their heads together.


Clary backed up in her bed as she noticed the stranger in front of her. "Wait, I don't know who you--"

Izzy cut her off quickly. "I'm Isabelle." She told her and when she noticed Clary looking at Celeste in curiosity, she introduced her friend too. "That's Celeste. She's been here almost the whole time. She didn't want you to wake up alone. Let her sleep, she hasn't been doing much of it lately." She explained.

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