Chapter 1:Flashback to where it became hard

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Madison:come on guys! We are gonna be so late! And remember
Sierra cuts off madison
"No superpowers, we heard you the first thousand times!"
Gracie:yeah madison. You worry too much.
Olivia:yeah you're no fun.

Matt's POV
"Today I'm meeting the haschak sisters and I'm super excited, though there sister bond kinda intimidates so I'm gonna try not to mess up, though sierra is really cute"

30 minutes later
I saw the haschaks and they said hi to what i responded hey guys in a very shy way. But there's something off. They're nervous but it's not about meeting me. I wonder if they have something to hide. But for now i just wanna make good friends so we watched movies.

Madison's pov
So i think matt suspects something is off but what catches my attention is how sierra and matt look at each other but i guess I'll have to ask sierra later about that.

Back at the haschaks house
Sierra:i said
Seems to me you and matt hit it off. I said
Olivia:yeah you two were all lovey dovey. (Says while laughing)
Sierra furiosly yells "no we did not"
To which a laughing gracie responds "thats not what the broken couch and hole in the chair tells us"
Sierra yelled shut up and run up to her room.
I think she got embarrased.

Sierra's pov
I think i may have a crush on matt. But it honestly doesn't help that that makes it way harder to control my superpowers and it certainly doesn't help when my sisters pick on me.
Then i got a text from matt.
Matt:hey cupcake. Miss you
I know it's kinda cheesy but it's so sweet. So i texted "hey cutie pie. Miss you 2"

Then his next text left me in shock.......

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