Chapter 3:park troubles

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Matt's pov
So i asked sierra out. She said yes and I'm so excited. So I'm waiting for her and when i see her my mouth falls open she looks amazing.
So we began talking and playing and eventually got in a water fight but there's something off she's more wet than i am yet she isn't cold, no shivering, nothing. Though i can tell she's watching olivia cause we never get to far away from them. I wonder why though.

Sierra's pov
So i got into a water fight with matt and i think he can tell I'm watching over olivia but thats not much of a problem. The real problem is that i think he noticed that i can't feel well cold basically.

Olivia's pov
So me and my friends are playing soccer but I'm losing control of my x ray vision. So that's not really the problem, the problem is that i may lose control of my freeze breath, and it would get kind of awkward trying to explain how something or someone froze that fast.

But to my relief Sierra probably heard my heart and figured somethings off. So she came looking for me telling my friends i had to leave.
Are you alright?-she asked
Yeah, just lost control of my xray vision-i said.
Yeah no worries at least it wasn't the freeze breath-she said.

30 minutes later sierra's pov
so we got home and had dinner. But ever since i said i caught madison trying to spy on me she's been different with me. Like she's afraid of me. I asked her if anything was wrong but she said everything was fine but i didn't really believe her. And i didn't need to hear her heart to know she was lying to me.
Tomorrow is training day so hopefully I'll discover it tomorrow.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. So i will most probably only update on saturdays and Sundays. Make sure to vote and make a comment.

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