chapter 22

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Back at the Haschak's house

No one's pov

Sierra: so you have powers?

Matt: I just didn't tell you so you wouldn't freak out

Sierra: well I didn't tell you cause when you discovered me I freaked out

Matt: wait, I discovered you?

Sierra: jeje long story short I knocked you out and erased your memory that's why you don't remember

Matt: ohh

Sierra: so ummm... liv?

Liv: Yeah?

Sierra: why didn't you tell me my boyfriend had superpowers?

Liv: well you see it wasn't my place to tell

Sierra: makes sense. I mean you didn't tell on me so.

Matt: I just have one question though

Sierra: shoot

Matt: Liv told me you had rescued your sisters

Liv: your point matt?

Matt: well how did he kidnap all three of them without you?

Liv: good question, we'll have to wait for them to finish the tests they're doing to their body though,just to make sure Justin didn't do any powerful damage.

Sierra: it's all my fault, I couldn't protect them I'm a terrible sister.

Matt: no, you're not you stayed and made sure they were safe

Liv: don't feel guilty, it wasn't your fault and you're an amazing sister.

Sierra: you don't understand they were in danger and all I did was get knocked out and let Justin take them. Madison was afraid of me and now I think I can see why.

*Madison, Gracie and Olivia walk in*

Olivia: woah, hey what happened wasn't your fault it was Justin's

Gracie: exactly, and in any case, I'm older than you so I should have been a little more responsible

Madison: besides no one saw coming what Justin did.

Sierra: yeah you're right.

Liv's pov

Sierra said she understood it wasn't her fault but I could feel her emotions she felt guilty

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