Chapter 2. Morning mess

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I used my invisibility power and saw that matt had asked sierra to be his girlfriend and she said yes. This just got way harder.

Madison:sierra quit using your freezebreath
Sierra:no, I'm making smoothies
Madison:stop it or I'll make you stop
Gracie:don't make me laugh we all know sierra is stronger than you.
Madison:well we will see who's stronger on training day.
Olivia:that's tomorrow right?
Gracie:yeah. I'm so excited! Can't wait!
Olivia:so umm. Can i go with some friends to the park?
Gracie:livy, you have the hardest time controlling your powers. Not cause you're youmg but because you can learn anyone you want.
Olivia:look i know that. That's the reason sierra has only taught me freeze breath and x ray vision. To not overload me.
Madison:ok you can go but sierra has to go and stay close by.
Sierra:ok, sure. I was gonna go on a date with matt anyway.
What!:yelled madison, gracie, and olivia at the same time
Sierra:oh, i forgot to tell you
Madison:tell us what?
Sierra: don't act like you don't know. You have invisibilty but remember i have superhearing and i heard your heartbeat in me and olivia's room.
Gracie:that's why sierra can beat you.
Sierra:so anyway. Matt asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes so he invited me on a date at the park.
Olivia:that's so sweet
Gracie:i know right.

45 minutes later
Madison:aren't you worried?
Gracie:about what? Olivia getting discovered? Beacause i trust them and sierra is... (get cut off by madison)
Madison:no, about sierra being stronger.
Gracie:why would i? I mean i admit she is more powerful than i am. But i am not scared of her.
Madison:what if one day she gets mad and attacks us?
Gracie:hey. Do you honestly think she would do that? Even if she did get mad, she wouldn't attack us she loves us, we're her sisters.
Madison:maybe you're right.
Gracie:not maybe. I am right.

Meanwhile at the park.....

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