Chapter 32

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Sierra's pov

So, I woke up in my room and I was confused how did I get here but then out of nowhere liv appeared and started yelling at me

I thought I told you to be careful, do you know what I felt when you fainted? – she yelled

Well no but... - I tried but she cut me off

Did you even care at all if something bad happened to you huh? Well answer me – she continued

Well yes .... – I said only to be cut off again

You have no idea how you scared us...- liv said but this time I cut her off

Liv relax ok, I'm fine and I'm sorry I wasn't careful I really am but please stop yelling at me. – I said

Ok fine, I am glad you are okay. – liv said

Thanks – I replied

Well got to go but I'll see you later I have some news you aren't aware about – she said

Okay – I said, and she left

So, I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat just to be stopped by Madison

Not so fast – she said

Hi? – I said

Don't hi me, you do realize what could have happened right? - she asked

Umm.... Justin would have tortured you? – I said

No! You could have got seriously hurt – she said

Oh, not you too – I said

Yes, me too! sierra we really care about you and I know you think we would be better of without you but the truth is we need you as much as you need us – she said

I guess that's true – I said

Well I'll let you eat, bye – she said

Bye – I replied

So, I finished eating and went to the living room and Olivia was there so I sat next to her to watch tv too but she turned off the tv.

Hey, why did you do that - I said

We need to talk – she said

About what? – I asked

About your recklessness – she replied

Oh, not you as well – I said

Well you scared us sierra, especially me you know how much I care about you – she replied

I know Livy, I promise it won't happen again – I said

You swear or else punishment? – she said

Depends? What punishment – I said

Basically, be my slave for a week – she said

Deal – I said

Can we watch tv though? – I asked

Of course – she said, and she turned on the tv

So, after watching tv we said goodnight and each left to our own room

And as I entered my room I saw Gracie sitting on my bed

I know I wasn't careful, I promise to be more careful – I said not waiting for her to speak

How did you know? – she asked

Well so far liv, Madison and Olivia have given me that talk, between us liv kind of intimidated me but because of them I already expected this – I replied

Well, based on what you said you won't expect this – she said

Expect what? – I asked

Then she lasered me

Why did you do that? – I asked

Next time you are not careful it will be worse. Got it? – she asked

Yes ma'am – I said

Goodnight then – she replied

Goodnight – I said

Then she left to her room that she shares with Madison.

Then I heard a noise the instantly recognized

Man, I am in trouble for not being careful – I whispered

Think this is my longest chapter yet


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