Chapter 11:madison's big reveal

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No one's pov
Gracie:wait are you gonna?
Olivia:want to explain something to the class?
Madison:yeah so apart from having superpowers i'm also a witch.
Olivia and sierra:what?
Sierra:gracie you knew about this?
Gracie:well you see I'm also a witch and livy is probably one too.
Olivia:I'm a what now
Madison:you're the only non witch sierra.

Sierra's pov
I'm mad. Madison and gracie lied to us about them being witches but that's not the worst part olivia may be a witch and she didn't know until 30 seconds ago.

Olivia's pov
So they're saying I'm a witch but I'm kinda confused cause i don't really know what that is and i also can't figure out how that will help. I'm mad that they hid this but sierra seems furious.

Madison's pov
I can tell Olivia's is confused and kinda mad. But sierra, she's furious you can see it and feel the tension i don't know how she'll react when she finds out her real powers. As for matt it's time for the parent bots.

Gracie's pov
So sierra is majorly pissed and i can feel her energy so she can't deny it. Unfortunately i can't tell her about this energy without telling her her real powers.

No one's pov
Sierra:and how is you being a witch gonna help? She asked rather angry.
Madison:well i can wipe his memory while gracie goes and fix his tv. Then we'll bring out the parent bots so that matt thinks you guys where gonna hang here.

Then madison casts obliviate on matt. She also mumbled something that fixed his bruised ribs.

Madison:now sierra we're gonna put the ending of a movie so he thinks you guys watched that then the bots are gonna enter coming from work saying they're tired so matt leaves. Ok?
Sierra:yeah whatever she said in a i don't really care tone.

Movie starts and matt wakes up.
Matt:did i fall asleep?
Sierra:yeah she said giggling.
Sierra:very suprising though since you choosed a scary movie.
Matt:sierra I'm so sorry.
Sierra:no worries.
Parent bots:kids we're home.
Matt:are those your parents? Weren't we at my house.
Sierra:ummm no matt. Wait you're so sweet you dreamed of us watching a movie at your house awww.
Dad bot:so sierra this the guy you telling me about.
Sierra:yes dad, about time you met him right?
Mom bot:yeah but darling we're really tired from work.
Matt:yeah, i was about to leave bye sierra
Kisses sierra on cheek then leaves.

Then Madison turns off the parent bots.
Madison:sierra can we talk?
Sierra:no I'm not talking to you not even gracie.
Madison:aren't you gonna eat dinner?
Sierra walks off without answering.
Gracie:man she is mad.
Olivia:don't worry I'll try to talk with her

So sierra is royaly pissed. Stay tuned for the next chapter don't forget to vote and comment

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