Chapter 17

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No one's pov
So things between Sierra and Madison haven't gotten better and Gracie and Olivia are starting to feel awkward to be in the middle of this so they make a plan to get them stuck in a room together so they're forced to talk to each other.
The thing is both of them can break out of well almost anything. Fortunaletly they have promethium one of the strongest metals and they happen to have a cage used by their parents for criminalas. Madison and Sierra aren't criminals but it will work to get them to talk but now getting both of them in there is the problem.

Gracie's pov
So tonight when we go to sleep I'm gonna super speed madison into the cage right after we freeze Sierra and put her in the cage.

Olivia's pov
So tonight I'm gonna freeze sierra then gracie is gonna super speed her to the cage.
Goodnight-sierra said
Night Sierra sleep tight-i replied.
So as soon as I was sure she was asleep I texted Gracie and she said that I should probably freeze Madison too. So I went to their room and Madison was asleep and I froze her too.
Then gracie supersped them to the cage and came back for me. Then she unfroze them.

Sierra's pov
So I woke up in a cage I had no idea how I got there I just felt livy freeze me I thought it was an accident but when I saw that madison is in the cage with me I realized Gracie and olivia planned this.
Madison was still asleep. Then I looked out of the cage and saw Gracie and Olivia.
Hey why did you lock us up- I asked
Well you see you to have made me and gracie uncomfortable -olivia said
So we decided to lock you guys up together-gracie added
Ok, but I  have another question. Why is Madison still asleep?- I asked
Good question- olivia said
I don't know-gracie said
I do-said madison
Well finally you woke up-olivia said
Well since I don't have superspeed I recover slower dum dum-madison said
Don't call her that- I said
Well she asked for it-madison said
No she didn't- I yelled
Well why did she lock us up then-madison yelled back
Oh I don't know let me think... (sarcastic stop) oh yeah got it she loves us and wants us to make up-I yelled back.
By the way good idea guys on using this promethium cage-I said
Thanks sierra-olivia and gracie replied
Oh now you're congratulating them!?-Madison yelled
Yeah! Last time I checked they fooled us both!-I yelled
Madison turns invisible.
Uhhh Madison where are you?-Gracie asked
She's obviously trying to attack me.-I said
Woah Madison why?-Gracie asked
Cause me and sierra have to settle this- Madison said
I thought I made it clear I wouldn't hurt anyone I love, that includes you, you're my sister- I said
Well then what do we need to do? I mean you won't even talk to me.-Madison said
You're supposed to give me time and space and honestly you just have made it a hell lot more tense-  I said
Language-olivia said
Sorry livy- I said
Madison I just need space and time just please try not to force it please?
Ok-madison said
Promise?-I said
Promise-Madison said

So next chapter i have in mind doing a superhero vs villain action
What do you guys think?
Btw the contest of last chapter is gonna be open till october 25th so yeah
Hope you're enjoying and don't forget to vote and comment please
Btw where do you think matt is?

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