chapter 19

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This chapter is dedicated to Hiccup1toothless

Btw on the laptop version it appears right under the title but on my phone it doesn't don't know why

Sierras pov

so today is the day that liv and I are going to mark each other so I was thinking the bite should go somewhere on the arm but i also need liv's I'm getting ready and I'm about to get breakfast with my sisters.

so nervous? - Olivia asks

a little bit hope it does not hurt to much - I said

don't worry - Madison said

yeah, you should worry about telling matt how you got a new scar -Gracie said

Gracie shut up- Madison said

it's fine ,plus she isn't completely wrong but he has never seen me without long sleeves so it shouldn't be a problem-i said

nice thinking-Olivia said

thanks- I said


liv's pov

so today me and sierra are sealing our soulmate bond and I'm excited and kind of scared cause I don't know it's just something big so yeah.i was thinking the mark should go on the forearm but sierra has a say in that I just ate breakfast and now im headed to the haschaks house.

No one's pov

Liv rings the bell.

*sierra opens the door*

Sierra: hey

Liv: ready?

Sierra: yes, by the way where do you think the bite should go? Because I was thinking somewhere on the arm.

Liv: I was actually thinking about the forearm

Sierra: forearm sounds good.

Liv: so are your sisters home

Sierra: nope they left to give us privacy.

Liv: ok then I'll turn the candles on and you clear that table so we can kneel.

*sierra moves the table and liv fixes up the candles*

Sierra: ready

Liv: we have to kneel in front of each other and then we will have to focus on each other until we can sense what the other is thinking and then we will both bite each other at the same time. Got it?

Sierra: got it.

Sierra's pov

This felt powerful I couldn't possibly describe it then the time for biting each other came and I honestly thought it would hurt but instead I felt connected.

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