chapter 7:vlog day

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Madison's pov
so yesterday sierra talked with me and made me feel better and today we are doing a eat it or wear it challenge and it's gonna be me and sierra vs gracie and olivia. (so it may not be the exact foods in their video cause i really can't remember them.)

no one's pov
sierra:hey guys it's
everyone:the haschak sisters!
sierra:and today we're doing
everyone:the eat it or wear it challenge!
madison:so basically it's me and sierra on one team and gracie and olivia on the other and each bag has a number.
gracie:so each bag could either be a good food or a bad food and we will decide if we eat it or wear it.
olivia:so let's get started

so olivia and gracie are first and they get beet
ewwww. said gracie and olivia
they decided to wear it.

Madison's pov
they screamed so hard sierra flinched.
sierra, are you okay?-i asked
yeah, i will be alright unless they manage to scream louder-she said
so then it was me and Sierra's turn and we got cocao powder. now don't get me wrong its good. but a whole spoomful can taste really bitter so we wore it.
then it was Gracie and olivia's turn and they got sardines and they screamed louder than before. way louder. only this time sierra fell from her chair and tried to cover her ears as much as she could.
could you guys stop screaming-she said.
luckily mars wasn't filming us or else we would have some serious explaining to do.
so when we finished the vlog gracie and olivia apologized to sierra.

olivia's pov
so at the end of the vlog gracie and i apologized to sierra. and i feel bad because we totally forgot she had superhearing and since she hasn't really used her Powers this week she can't really control her hearing distance.
she forgave us saying it's ok. then we all went to take a shower home...

hey guys, so some of you may be wondering.
did you forget about matt? well no i didn't forget about him. I've just been waiting for the moment to include him again so stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment.

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