Chapter 15:full names?

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Olivia's pov
I wonder who sierra wants me to meet so i was walking to the park to where all of a sudden I'm like in a spaceship cause I've read about them and it looked like it.
Hey livy- Sierra said.
Hey, so ummm why are we up here? And who do you want me to meet-i asked
We're up here cause it's the place she wanted to meet you and I wanted you to meet our mom.-she said
What!? Really!? Sierra you better not be kidding cause if you are I'll freeze you and never...
Don't worry she's not-said a female voice
And you are? I asked
I'm your mom bell- she said
Who's bell?- i asked
Yeah mom who's that?-sierra asked
Well it's olivia of course-mom said
Huh? Sierra and i said confused
Oh my god madison didn't tell you-mom said
See what I'm talking about Madison doesn't stop lying-sierra said
What do you mean sierra? I asked
Oh well she lied about our parents, my powers your powers and their powers-she said
Your powers?-i asked confused
Oh yeah, remember when you felt week when i got mad? She asked
Yeah-i said
Well I'm so sorry about that, that was me promise won't ever happen again-she said
Really!? you are powerful and it's ok-i said
So anyway bell mom?- i asked
Yeah you all have flower names as middle names
Madison daisy
Gracie rose
Sierra lily
And olivia bell-mom said.
Sierra calm down-i said
Oh, sorry livy didn't mean to do that-she said
It's ok, but please control yourself.-i said
Ok i promise you I'll try my best-she said
Then i just smiled at her

You should get going-mom said
Come on sierra, bye mom nice to meet you-i said
Yeah mom, will we see you again? Sierra asked
You will somewhere in the future-she said
Ok mom-we both said
So we left and i started talking with sierra then we got into a water balloon fight.
Suddenly she hugged me from behind and said
Caught you! While laughing
Sierra let me go-i said laughing.

Then after an hour we went home and we were soaked
So when we got in madison asked us why we were wet.
I don't know what you're talking about-sierra said
I can tell you're lying to me-madison said
Well then i guess now you're familiar with what i feel when you lie to me!! Sierra yelled.

Stay tuned for next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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