Chapter 10:sierra busted?

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Sierra's pov
I just remembered that madison never gave me the rock, and now matt is gonna have bruised ribs. And i also forgot my lead lined glasses.
Are you okay-i asked
Yes-he said in a whimper
Then he went to the bathroom and i lost control and kinda melted the tv. Unfortunately he witnessed this.

Umm sierra how did you do that?-he said
And i said i didn't know what he was talking about.
Then he started to freak out and i had to knock him out then i flew us to my house.

No one's pov
Madison:um sierra, why is matt knocked out?
Sierra:yeah about that so i forgot to ask you to give me the rock.
Gracie:and that answers her question how?
Sierra:well. I sorta lost control and now he has bruises ribs and witnessed me melt his tv.
Madison and gracie:what!
Madison:well there is only one way to fix this.
Gracie:wait are you gonna?
Olivia:want to explain something to the class?
Madison:yeah so apart from having superpowers i'm also a......

Stay tuned for the next chapters do t forget to vote and comment.

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