Chapter 13:wait what now?

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Sierra's pov
What i saw next left me in shock.
Mom is that you-i asked
Yes, sierra it's me glad to see you haven't forgotten me-she said
Why would i but I'm dreaming right, you dissapeared. I said
No, sierra this is real-she said
Then why don't we live with you-i asked
Well darling, as madison has told you I'm kryptonian and we come from the house of el and i had to return since I'm the only heir of house of el. But i also didn't want you girls living in such hostile style i don't think you should go through that at such young age.-she said.
But why didn't madison tell us?-i asked.
Come aboard on the ship and I'll explain everything-she said

At first i didn't know what ship so i got confused but suddenly a ship appeared so i followed her on it.

So, why doesn't madison talk about you?-i asked
Because she thought it was best becasue i couldn't visit and you knowimg about would upset you-she said
Where's dad? I asked
He stayed on krypton-she said
Now, how are you sierra?-she asked
Well i have a boyfriend it's mattyb, I'm mad at Madison cause she always hides something and I'm also mad at gracie. But mom, not that I'm complaining, but why did you come now if you couldn't?-i asked
I'm here cause of you sierra- she said
Look there is something and Madison didn't tell you but there's more to your powers than whay you think you can do-she said
Like what?-i asked
Well you got mad did you feel different cause they start to manifest around this age-she said.
Well not really, but i noticed livy get weak when i got mad-i said.
Yes sierra, that's your doing-she said
Then what does that mean? I asked.
Well it means that you have.........

Stay tunes for the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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