Chapter 14:energy manipulation?

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Then what does that mean? I asked.
Well it means that you have enery manipulation and by the looks of it you're vey powerful on the aura part of it-she said
But why didn't madison tell me?-i asked
I don't know sierra, but i can explain your powers to you-she said
Ok-i said
So energy manipulation is a very powerful art but since you're devoloping the aura part stronger then the other parts I'll explain that first.
So your powers consist of....

No one's pov
Olivia:sierra we're home.
No response...
Olivia: Sierra I though you weren't mad at me!
Madison: Gracie use your superspeed to search the house.
Gracie superspeeds through the house
Gracie: she's not here, but her bed is messy and she never leaves it like that.
Madison:let me call matt.
Dialing matt's number
Madison:hey matt.
Matt:what's up?
Madison:is Sierra with you?
Matt:umm no i was texting on the phone with her then she said her mom was calling her cause they were gonna hang out, why don't you call your mom?
Madison:ok I'll do that thanks Matt.
Madison:she's not with Matt but he said she said she was going out with mom.
Olivia: what? Unless she borrowed the mom bot it's highly unlikely.
Gracie:nop she didn't when i searched the house they were still in place.
Olivia:let me text her.

Hey Sierra ?  Olivia
What's up? ~Sierra
Well we got home where are you? ~Olivia .

Sierra:mom Olivia texted me, they are looking for me.
Mom: tell her to sneak out and go to the park, if you barely remember me then she certainly doesn't and I  want her to meet me

There's someone i want you to meet~Sierra
Who? ~Olivia
It's a surprise tell them you're meeting me at the park and that I don't want them here~Sierra
Ok, this better be good~Olivia
Oh trust me it is, love you 😘~Sierra
Love you back💓~Olivia

Olivia:guys I'm going to the park with Sierra , she doesn't want to see you.

Stay tuned for the next chaoter don't forget to vote and comment.

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