chapter 30

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Liv's pov

So, I transported Sierra and I to the address, Matt transported himself here.

I could feel Sierra was super angry, so I spoke up.

Sierra, I can feel you are mad but remember to use your brain okay? Promise me– I said

Yes Liv, I promise you I'll use my brain and thanks for caring – she replied

And I could feel she really meant it

So here is the plan we enter and while Sierra handles Justin Liv and I will break the haschaks out okay? – Matt said

Okay – Sierra and I replied

Sierra's pov

My my isn't it one of my Haschak angels – I hear Justin say

Go – I mentally say to Liv then she leaves with Matt

What's your problem? – I asked

I told you to break up with Matt and you didn't listen – he said

Then he immediately hit me with a blast wave that I blocked with my forcefield, but it still sent me flying.

Then I got up and lasered his left shoulder, then he tried to lock me in an electric cage, but I dodged it with my superspeed then he caught me off guard and threw an energy transference ball at me and I flew across the room, suddenly I heard a cry *not ivy too I thought* then I got hit with a laser bo and I swear it was Matt's brother then I fainted.

hey guys penny for your thoughts

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i'm thinking 'bout you

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