chapter 20

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Sierra's pov

So today I was going to meet matt because I was supposed to meet his friend Ivey. But he called to cancel cause mars wanted to do something with matt. but I heard my doorbell ring and I opened it up and I was attacked by a sonic scream. Then I realized Ivey was black siren(flash reference).So I tried to fight back but I could not do much without exposing my self to my neighbors eventually I got knocked out.

45 minutes later.

I woke up and liv was by my side.

What happened I felt you were in pain? She asked

Ivey is black siren- I replied

Ohhh, so I don't want to give you bad news but your sisters I think they are missing.-she said

And Ivey left this note-she added

So I read the note and it said:

I know who you guys are and I am warning you if you do not break up with matt your sisters will be hurt badly and I will make you witness it. And I will also tell your secret to matt and trust me he will not be to happy with the idea of you lying to him. So your choice you have 12 hours use them well.

With hate


What are we going to do? - she asked

Well I'm going to track down Ivey and you are going to stay somewhere safe-I replied

What no I am going with you- she replied

Liv - I attempted

No sierra I'm going and that is final -she said sternly

Ok -I replied

Then I got on Madison's laptop and tracked them

Found them - I yelled

What how? - liv asked

Well they all have gps trackers and Madison's laptop is the code searcher- I said

Oh well let's go then -she said

*she then transported us to my sister's location*

Liv's pov

So I transported us the the location on the GPS and we are in some kind of warehouse it is really big.

Sierra focus on their heartbeats, and use your x ray vision-I said

Can't the walls are lead lined-she said

Ok can you hear them- I asked

Yes,but I am not sure in wich of those three rooms- she said

Oh hey why don't you try using the x ray vision-she said

Good idea-I replied

And I could see them.

C'mon follow me-I said as I headed to the room

And surely enough they were there and just as we started freeing them.....

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