Chapter 16

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Sierra's pov
What are you talking about sierra? She said
You well know daisy, i mean that is your middle right? I yelled
W-what how d-did you f-figure that o-out-she asked
Well you see the same way o figured out i have energy manipulation, and that I'm rather powerful on the aura, apart from your middle name gracie's rose, livy's bell and mine is lily. Oh i almost forgot something and mom and dad are alive that's how i know while you took them to training i got to meet her-i said in a very mysterious voice
What!?-she asked
You met mom but why, how, where? She asked.
Well in her spaceship and when livy went with me to the "park" i actually took her to meet mom.-i said.
You did what sierra!? -madison
You're grounded! -she added
Yeah just try it I'm in charge now ask mom i know you have contact with her-i said
Then i stormed off and Gracie followed me.
Hey-she said.
What do you want? I asked
Did you really meet mom?-she asked
Well yeah, wait you didn't know she's alive? I asked
No, i didn't-she said
Oh, Gracie I'm so sorry if i knew i would have taken you too-i said
Yeah i know, but what was she like? -she asked
She's sweet and caring and she misses us-i said
But why don't we live with her? She asked.
Well as we know krypton is divided by houses and we're aparrently from the house of el and mom is the last heir that can take charge, cause obviously i can't take over and you guys being witches you're not allowed to take over yet. I said
Ohhh. So sierra we cool?-she asked
Yeah we're cool-i said

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