chapter 21

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Liv's Pov

Just as we started freeing them

I wouldn't do that if I were you-said a mysterious voice

And why not? I asked

Because you need at least 3 people with super strength to break that electric cage and last time I checked only two of you have. - he said

His way of talking sounded familiar so I read his mind

I can't believe you! Why would you hurt your own friends! I yelled

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Then he attacked me with his blast wave and sierra in a blink of an eye was in front of me using a force field to protect me.

Liv, I got your force field maybe you got my super strength- she said

So as soon as she put the force field down I went up and punched Ivey and surely enough she flew across the room.

What? I know you guys, when did you get that power? -he yelled

Well guess you don't know us as well as you thought -I responded

Who is he? -Sierra asked

Well its Justin-I said

Justin !?—sierra said

Why would you want to hurt you best friend? - sierra yelled

Well you see my little Haschak angel, I am sick and tired of being MattyB's best friend I don't want to be in his shadow any longer and I want him to hurt and getting you away from him will do just that.-Justin said.

It's not his fault his parents let him become a celebrity, your parents are just trying to protect you- I said

My parents don't want me exposing my powers-Justin said and he attacked us with a blast wave and sierra shielded us.

Sierra's pov

Olivia-I yelled

Yes? -Olivia said

Time for you to use your new power-I replied

What? -Olivia said

Yes, I need you to use your super strength-I told her

Sierra, I can't control it-Olivia said

Yes, you can-I said

Liv as soon as you break that electric cage get them to safety-I told her and she nodded

So, I counted to three and they broke the cage and liv transported them out of here without telling them while I covered them.

So I started attacking him with liv's laser bo or I guess my laser bo and all of a sudden I heard matt yell

Stay away from her! And he shot Justin with a blast wave

You have powers? - I asked

Yes, but I'll explain that later now please let me deal with Justin we have some issues to resolve-matt told me

All yours unless you need help-I told him

Stand up -matt said

How did you find out? -Justin asked

liv-matt smirked

should have known-Justin said.

Then they started fighting and matt used a laser bo and threw Justin across the room then he used his molecular kinesis to lift Justin up and then he turned to me and said' 'want to do the honors''

Yes- I said as I created a forcefield then shot it to Justin leaving him knocked out, so matt called the hero league then he transported us to my house..

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