Chapter 26

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Madison's pov

So, I took off to see Sierra but along the way I kept thinking about what to say but I guess when I get their words will flow on their own.

So, I got to the facility and saw green light and thought

''Liv wasn't exaggerating she locked herself up''

Sierra – I said

Go away – she said

We need to talk – I told her

No, we don't – she said

Yes, we do, when I feared you, you made me see reason, so now you're scared of hurting it's my turn to make you see reason – I replied

That's the thing Madison, I now get why you feared me, that was not the first time I hurt Livy with my energy, I have hurt her before, when we had our first fight, at mom's spaceship and now at the vlog – she said

Yes Sierra, you did do that, but it was an accident you must understand that – I said

Exactly Madison, I simply can't afford those accidents sorry – she said with a tear on her face, so I left, and Gracie was up next to try to make her see reason.

Gracie, - I said

What happened? – she asked

Well seeing as I was afraid of her me talking to her wasn't the best idea I've had- I said

Ok, let me give it a shot – Gracie said

With that she left to see Sierra.

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