Chaper 27

86 3 2

Gracie's pov

Sierra? – I asked

Oh, great they sent you too – she said

Well no they did not, but Madison told me what you told her though – I said

So, what are you doing here? – She asked me

Well I'm going to try and make you see reason – I said

I already heard the story about accidents – She said

Good thing that's not what I'm going to talk about – I said

What? – she asked

You see I would never hurt you, but Livy hasn't stopped crying and she thinks it's her fault you locked yourself up. – I said

It isn't her fault – She said

You know that and I know that, but she doesn't, so I'm warning you ,you have a week to go back home or else I'm going to be forced to beat you out of this – I said and I left to go see my other sisters.

What happened? – Olivia asked between sobs

She's not coming out but don't worry I already threatened her and Matt and Liv are on there way to talking to her, but don't worry it's not your fault – I replied

Hey, where is Madison? – I added

She went to get take out – she replied

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What do you think should I leave Sierra in denial a little longer?

Let's get it.

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