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"I know you can do it Chim"

Tae was trying to assure me that everything was going to be okay, while I was having a full on mental break down.

"Almost 20 agencies have tried to capture him tae, and all of them failed!" I wrapped my hands around the coffee cup, looking at my reflection through the dark liquid. As I stared at my reflection more doubts clouded my mind.

"What if we're 21." I looked at Taehyung with sad eyes, worried about the outcome.

"We aren't going to be" he shook his head firmly and pursed his lips.

"What makes you say that?" He placed his elbows on the table, fanning out his hands. I pushed my coffee away and placed my head between them.

"Because you are Park Jimin! Who saved Senator Kim from Suga? Who safely transported that dangerous chemical that was going to literally kill the whole world? That was ALL you Jimin! Jungkook will just be another victim to your success." He gave me that charismatic square smile that I adored.

"Don't forget about yourself Tae, I couldn't do it if I didn't have you, what would I do without you?" I grabbed his hands and squeezed them.

"Hm good question, you'd probably be very lonely" he said sarcastically making me laugh.

Tae went back to sipping his chocolate. (Just a little thing to know about Tae he can't drink coffee. Weird right? but I find it adorable as he still drinks chocolate milk).

Thoughts started piling up in my head, I looked at Taehyung and frowned.

"What- what if I get into trouble? What if I get hurt?"

His expression turned dark.

"I'd hurt him"

The last time I got was in trouble, Taehyung turned into a different person. Tae wasn't the type to hurt anyone, not even a fly. But last year working on assassinating Kihyun, I saw a different side of him..

~Flash Back~

I crouched behind a wooden crate in a dusty old warehouse. The gun in my hand was on it's final clip of bullets.

"Jimin~ come out I won't hurt you"

I looked over at Taehyung, he was in the shadows watching me, more specifically watching me about to get murdered. Fear was in his eyes as he saw Kihyun creep closer to me. I grabbed my left leg in pain from him shooting it earlier, blood had stained my pants thoroughly.

I peeked over the corner of the crate and aimed at him, spraying him with 2 bullets. Only shooting his shoulder, he was already bleeding badly.

"You fucking piece of shit" Kihyun hissed at me like a snake.

I made a run for it, limping as fast as my legs could go.

A loud bang surrounded my ears and a sharp pain came from my side. I stopped where I was, the white dress shirt I had on was covered in blood at my waist. I fell to my knees my gun dropping on the cold floor, my hand covered the bleeding hole on my side, my vision was getting blurry, my peripherals were shot and my eyes were tearing up.

This pain was unbelievable, I was on my back now coughing up little amounts of blood. Footsteps vibrated on the floor under me.

"Looks like I won" Kihyun laughed darkly, he slowly walked to me. He then planted himself  over me.

"Y-You didn't w-win shit" I looked up at the dark ceiling, tears ran down my cheeks.

A gun to my forehead came to my vision.

"Once I kill you, I'll win for sure you fucking cunt."

I shut my eyes and let everything disappear from the scene I was in. A loud click rang in my ears, he pulled the safety.


My eyes shot open, I was greeted by Kihyun his face in a state of shock. He looked down, a whimper escaped him lips. My eyes were trying to focus on the body that was standing behind him.

It was Taehyung.

His arm was pulling in and out of Kihyun's back fast. Tae's face was full of anger, it wasn't like I've ever seen him before. Pure evil filled his eyes. He pushed Kihyun on the ground, he grabbed the gun that he had dropped. The other hand held a bloody broken bottle.

Taehyung would never touch a gun. He didn't like hurting pe-


Kihyun's body lay lifeless on the ground. Blood started pooling around his head.

"T-taehy-" he looked over at me, the look of evil disappeared while I coughed up more blood.

He crouched next to me and grabbed his phone, not answering me.

"756, I repeat 756. Agent down. HURRY!" His voice was shaking.

I raised my arm grabbing his bloody hand. Squeezing him only slightly. I gave him a weak smile.

"S-stop c-crying" ,"I'm r-right he-here"

Blue and red lights filled the dark room.

"Don't leave me." Tae spoke through sobs.

"I-I wo-won't" my body was going cold, everything in me was fading.



I blinked my eyes fastly "huh?"

"You alright?"

"Oh uh yeah, just thinking" I smiled weakly

"Ah 'bout what?"

I panicked, thinking of a reasonable response.

"What to get you for your birthday!" He smiled at me

"But it's like 2 months away"

"Nice job Jimin, way to think!" I thought to myself sarcastically.

"Well you know me I like to put in a lot of thought into my presents"

It was true, for Namjoon's Birthday I started thinking of his present 5 months before it. And when I gave it to him he loved it.

"Ohh okay" he stuck his bottom lip out and nodded

I sipped the last bit of coffee that was in my cup. I pulled out a 5,000 won and left for a tip for the waiter. Tae shimmied from the booth seat and got up, we walked out of the coffee shop and started walking to NISSK it was only a few blocks away.

"So.. you ready to get started?" Tae wrapped an arm around me.

"My middle name is 'Ready'" I shot him a smile and he laughed while ruffling my hair.

"Alright partner"



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