•Cold Weather•

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We've been on this plane for 6 hours and 30 minutes, I should be asleep but I couldn't be bothered, and my thoughts keep me up. Speaking of sleeping, Taehyung was dead asleep on my lap. He was sleeping upright, but I know how uncomfortable he gets so I laid him on my lap.

We have 5 or so more hours on the plane, so I decided to enjoy the peace. I dug in my pocket for my phone and headphones. I plugged each one in my ear and scrolled through my playlist. An artist that Taehyung had gotten me into these days is Daniel Ceasar, so I clicked on his song Best Part. The strum of the guitar greeted my ears, H.E.R's voice made me tilt my head back and relax.

Songs always seemed to drift me away.

An escape from reality.

Everyone needs it.



Someone was giving me a soft gentle push.

"Wake up"

Whispers filled my ears.


I shoved the person off and turned to my side. I snuggled up again and tried to sleep.

"Come on we're here"

A sigh escaped my lips as I pried open my eyes. The airplane was bright and cold. My breath could be seen when I huffed air out. I stood up and wrapped my arms around myself. The chattering of my teeth filled the plane and my shivers were very noticeable.

"Our stuff is in the car, here"

He handed me his scarf.

"Wait no, Tae it's cold. I'll just get it from my bag"

"No take it Jimin, I'm fine I have tons of them"

I looked at it and hesitated.

He saw my facial expression and smiled. He slung the scarf around my neck and face.


I nodded my head and we walked out. Snow lined the plane and the car, snowflakes fell onto Taehyung's hair making him shake his head continuously.

I opened the car door and entered after the younger went first. The leather seats were warm on my back it felt comforting.

The driver put the car in drive and slowly drove out of the plane strip. People in bright orange and yellow vests opened the gate and let us out.

"Where are we in Canada?"

I looked out the window, seeing white snow and evergreens dancing in the wind.

"Ontario. We're heading to Ogoki"

The driver spoke out

I nodded to myself and kept looking through the tinted window. Green and white or an occasional building met my eyes. People who walked around were bundled up but still shivered. We passed by a coffee shop, it looked homey and warm. A couple sat in the middle, smiling and laughing, love in their eyes for each other. They looked happy.


That word was tasteless on my tongue. People who were genuinely happy are lucky. I know I could never be that lucky.

Happiness is out of my reach.


Jungkook POV-

(Time travel back to after the Christmas party).

"So, what happened?"

I shoved my face into Seokjin hyungs

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