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Jungkook POV-

Tap tap

Tap tap

Tap tap

The sink tapped endlessly in the bathroom.

It was annoying me.

I turned my head and clenched my teeth. I stood up pushing the chair away from my legs. I slammed my feet with each step to my bathroom. I turned the knobs of the sink tight. Making sure it would stop. But my force was too strong, I broke both handles off.


I threw the handles at the mirror, shattering the the glass, spraying throughout the room. I breathed heavy and looked at the remaining glass on the mirror a small cut was at the upper part of my cheek, blood started to spill but I didn't care, only breathing in a deep breath then leaving my reflection behind. I placed myself on my couch balling my fist and looking at the blank TV screen. My breathing hard and heavy I looked at myself through it.

My eyes blurred and I saw a reflection beside me, smiling.


I raised my hand and tried to touch him, but he slipped away back into my mind. My eyes softened and my fist went away. My chest clenched a little from a pain inside my heart. And my eyes flowed with the salty water it held. I gasped for air as the crying went on harder and harder, I slumped my body onto the couch and cried more.

The crying went on for hours.

After the third hour passed it felt like I drained myself of tears. I just laid helpless on the couch.

Knock knock


I didn't answer, for hope that whoever was there would leave.

"I know you're in here, and you know I have keys."

A jingle led with a click of a door opening. I looked at a pair of shoes that blocked my eyes from staring at the floor.

"Where the hell were you today???! Yoongi was counting on you to cover him to sell those guns to ULK, I'm really disa-"

His yelling stopped abruptly

"What happened to you?"

A handsome face came into view and a smug look formed.


I sniffed in response.

He set his things down and propped me up against the couch back, he sat next to me and looked at the TV.

"You're telling me what happened. No lying."

I gave no answer. He huffed and blew his bangs from his head.

"Tell me what you're feeling then."

I breathed slowly and lifted my head up to the ceiling. I gulped and thought about what to say.

"I just feel like I'm shattered. I don't know if I can ever trust anyone anymore."

"What makes you say that?"

"I feel in love with Park Jimin."

I put my head down and saw that the older was staring at me with wide eyes. I could tell he knew who I was talking about.

"When did this happen?"

"A couple months ago.."

Memories blurred my eyes, making me shut them in fear of seeing his smile, his face, with any expression, it could make the world stop at any moment.

"How did this go down?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just tell me everything."

I interlaced my fingers together and twirled my thumbs around.

"Okay. I'll tell you."

Jin hyung and I spent hours, talking about him. How we first met, our first get together, leading up to the vacation and the end result.

"This guy named Taehyung, he told me that they both were spies. He was telling me that they were supposed to kill me, but things changed."

I stopped.

"Then what happened?"

"I shot him."

"You shot Jimin?"

"No. I shot Taehyung. Then I ran and ran until my lungs felt like they were collapsing."

Jin crossed his legs

"Do you regret it?"

"Shooting him?"

"No. Falling in love?"

My brain took in his words like oxygen.

Do I regret loving Jimin?

My heart sped up a little, mixed emotions filled me up. I put my head on my hands and thought.


He tapped his chin.

"Did he tell you that he loved you too?"


Jin nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"As long as you don't regret the love it's okay"

I looked over at him, confused. He met my eyes and laughed lightly.

"Jungkook. You're young. You're still living and experiencing new things everyday, love will be apart of that experience."

He leaned back and thought more.

"He hurt you. He did things that nobody should ever do to another person. Love is powerful JK. So I know that whatever happens, he will still love you."


Sorry this is such a short Chapter :c
I'm also sorry for having such a weird updating schedule school is messing me upp

But I sincerely thank you for everything you guys do for me <3

But I sincerely thank you for everything you guys do for me <3

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