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Jungkook POV-


"Jin hyung?"

I peeked over the door to his office. He was sitting there with his glasses on looking at a piece of paper.

"Yes JK?"

"My parents have asked me to come home tonight"

I entered his office and stood by him


"Cause my grandmother is coming to town for Christmas"

I grabbed the end of my jacket and started playing with it nervously.

He looked at me for awhile, scanning my face. He squinted his eyes but then looked back down.

"Okay, tell your family I said hello then"

"Thank you hyung!"

I bowed to him and ran off to the door.


I sat at a dainty but cute cafe in downtown Seoul. I was waiting for Hansol to get here. I grabbed out a watch from inside my pocket and looked at it. It was the same one as mine, it honed a tracking device, a navi, and a voice communicator. This would help me a great ton during this so called mission. I set it down and took a gulp at my lemonade. As I set my glass down the bell of the door rang, someone came inside. I looked over and it was the younger I was eager to see. I raised my hand and told him to come. He greeted me with a bow and sat across from me. I scooted over the watch to him.

"Put this on, it has everything I need to track you"

He nodded and slipped on the watch

"Do you have anymore information?"

"Hm I don't know, I'm pretty sure I told you everything hyung"

"Well contact me if you find anything else out"

He nodded and started tapping on the watch.

"Oh shoot I have to meet up with Namjoon. Thank you Jungkook hyung, and I will for sure update you on anything!"

I nodded and he stood up. We bowed at each other and I watched him leave from the big glass window I sat next to. He tucked his hands into his big coat and waddled fastly to a cab he waved to. I gulped the last of my lemonade and stood up, I grabbed a couple of dollars out of my pocket and left it for the waiter.


I had 2 more hours until I had to leave. I had gotten everything packed and ready a couple hours ago. Everything I had was minimal boots, long sleeves, turtlenecks, and jeans. Most of the things I had were black or white.

I was going to be looking around at night anyway.


I sat down at Yugyeom's office in the private airline he owned. Important looking people walked around the office, it was a busy night for everyone.


Yugyeom's voice greeted me from the door. He smiled as he walked in coming towards me. A suit fitted him well and his hair was parted down the middle with a messy wet look to it.

"Long time no see buddy!"

I stood and gave him a side hug

"I know right? What have you been up to?"

I sat back down and he sat next to me

"Eh nothing much, running the business and you know relationship stuff"

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