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Author POV-

"Jimin can I get this?!"

Taehyung waved a box of chocolate cereal to Jimin.

"Get whatever you need Tae!"

Taehyung jumped with excitement. It had almost been a week since they came to Canada and also it's been a week since they left the small cabin up in the snowy forest. Namjoon had gave them permission to go off today to shop and explore. They were in a small grocery store by a small ice fishing town. It was a cute quaint place, Taehyung found it adorable. He took plenty of pictures with his new camera he had gotten for his birthday from Jimin. It was an old fashioned kind of camera, but Tae loved it. He took pictures of the simplest of things birds, trees, snow, but his most important muse was Jimin. He would show the older the pictures he would take of him when he was doing something. For example cooking or looking out a window. The pictures looked amazing but, to Taehyung the person in them were the best thing about them.

Jimin would allow the younger to do what he wanted on this so called "trip." He looked happy and that made him happy.

"Excuse me sir are you next in line?"

Jimin didn't realize that he had been staring into blank space this whole time. The man behind the counter looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah sorry"

Jimin smiled shyly at his rusty english and started putting the items on the belt, it slowly rotated towards the man behind the counter.

Jimin looked at the man unknowingly, black hair messily covered his forehead. It reminded him of Jungkook for some reason.

He started examining him.

He definitely looked older than him but not by that much, he still had that glow of youth on him. The background music that faintly could be heard was making him groove a little, tapping his foot and nodding his head a little. Jimin could tell he like to dance. By how he was moving and feeling the rythm.

He liked it, and he found it cute.

"Where you from?"

The brown haired man looked at Jimin with bright eyes.

"I'm from South Korea"

"Ah, same here!"

The man scanned each item.

"What's your name?"

Jimin shyly asked him

"Lee Taemin, you?"

"Park Jimin"

Taemin smirked at the smaller as he started bagging the groceries. Jimin felt small for some reason, but it was in a good way.

A lanky figure started walking to the check out line. Holding a bag of chips and candy. He walked with a hop in his step, and a quirky smile planted on his lips. Taehyung saw Jimin standing by the passing items and talking to the boy. He ran to him and placed the things with the others. He quickly grabbed a lollipop and threw it on there too.

"You think we have enough money chimmy?"

Taehyung walked over and placed his arm over Jimin's shoulder and he leaned his head on him.

"I'm rich taetae"

Jimin scrunched his nose at the comment and pulled out his wallet. He grabbed it 10 or so 100 Canadian dollars and waved it at Taehyung's face.

Taehyung giggled and pulled himself away from the the older. He was then face to face with the cashier, his eyes showed a hint of jealousy. It made Taehyung kind of happy, it made it look like him and Jimin were in a relationship. Taehyung reached over and pulled Jimin by his waist so he could hand the man the money. Jimin playfully punched Taehyung and waited to hear the total. The younger watched the man scan the items, he saw the lollipop being dragged into the bag, so he swiped it and unwrapped the candy, he shoved into his mouth and smirked at the guy behind the counter.

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