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The short walk to the break room was odd. Tae and I looked at the ground, thinking about what Namjoon hyung had told us.

Tae sat on the couch while I made coffee.

"I would've never thought.." I quietly said as I watched the dark liquid dripped into the pot.

"Same here." I could hear a sigh behind me.

"What's that guy's problem, hyung tried to talk to him." Tae crossed his legs and watched the fish in the tank across from him.

"Being hurt makes you build a wall tae, especially if it's from someone you love." I walked over with the coffee cup in my hand.

He nodded and watched me sip at the beige cup.

"I see your point." I poked his cheek and smiled.

"You wanna hang out tonight?" Tae raised his eyebrows.

"Um.. I can't tonight."

"What why!?" He pouted, making my heart tear a little.

"I have family stuff.."

Why am I lying to my best friend?

"Okay. BUT you're making up for it, with a sleepover this weekend" he poked me with a long finger.

"I promise I will" I gave him a smile.


I arrived at my house at 6:30, giving me only two hours to get ready. Surprisingly this was a hard task, especially without my fashionista Tae.

After thinking for 30 minutes I decided on something simple but nice. I went with an all black outfit. Silk button up shirt, tucked into black slacks, and some Prada leather shoes. Styling my hair was the easiest part, I just used a little dry hair gel to sweep my hair up and over.

I looked into the mirror one more time after applying eyeliner and lip gloss. I nodded my head in approval and grabbed my things and hustled out the door.


Jungkook POV-

I poured white wine into two glasses, making sure that they were both at the same level. Once I was content on each glass I set them in front of each chair. I wandered off into my room and grabbed box from my birch wood closet. I walked back to the table and placed the box under my chair.

I checked my watch, 8:26.

"Four minutes" I said to myself.

I looked around and checked for anything else. I went over to the lights and dimmed them, making it so the candles that I lit up was illuminating the whole room.

Knock knock

"Come in!" I shouted towards the door.

I stood by the table and waited for the short man to appear through the hallway. My hands were shoved in my pockets. I tilted my head up a little, putting a small grin on my face.

"Hey" Jimin's soft voice greeted me from the hallway.

"Hey you" I said back tapping my finger on the table.

Jimin started walking to the towards where I stood, stopping at his chair. I strutted to him and pulled out his chair, he sat down. I settled down in mine and smiled at him.

"You're look stunning tonight." I watched him smile at my comment.

"Thank you" he cooed back to me.

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