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I combed my hand through my hair and sighed. The leather chair I sat on squeaked when I tilted back. I looked over at my partner across my desk and watched him shuffle through pictures, laminating them and examining them.

"Who's in the picture?" I rested my chin on my hand that sat on the arm of the chair.

"Kim Seokjin." He wrote something on the bottom of a picture and threw it at me.

"Who is that?"

"I have no clue, but I saw him with Min Yoongi yesterday. He might be an accomplice or someone important to him."

I looked at the picture and raised an eyebrow. This man was pretty, but at the same time handsome as well. In the background was Min Yoongi, tae added his magic touches making the wide shouldered man the main focus while the rest was blurred.

 In the background was Min Yoongi, tae added his magic touches making the wide shouldered man the main focus while the rest was blurred

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"How do you know his name then?"

"I asked the barista" he grinned, signaling that he flirted his way to get for it. I gagged at him and rolled my eyes.

"Have you shown the boss yet?" I handed him back the picture and grabbed my pen.

"Nah, I was hoping after I laminated them you could come with me to show him."

"Alright I'll wait"

Tae went back to his work. I went back to signing papers and connecting clues together.

A vibration was running through my desk. My phone lit up blinking with text messages. I grabbed it and read the fast texts.

(Come over tonight).

(At my place).

(Wear something nice).

All of them coming from Jungkook. I smiled a little and responded.

(I'll be there at 8:30).

I tucked the phone into my pants pocket and waited silently for tae. Waiting all that time I just thought about Jungkook and the adventure we had a couple nights ago.

Once he put his final touches on the pictures he stood up and motioned me to follow.

We strode over across the hall and walked into Namjoon's office. He was sitting behind the desk, eyes glued on the laptop screen.

"You guys need something?" Namjoon looked over the laptop to us.

"I got some pictures of someone, we want to know if you know anything about him." Tae and I sat in the chairs after placing the pictures on his desk.

Namjoon hyung shut his laptop and put on his glasses. His eyes examined each picture, and every time he did his eyes grew bigger.

"Do you know him hyung?" I asked interrupting the silence in the office.

"Y-yeah.." he placed the pictures down and removed his glasses, just like how actors did in films.

"How do you know him?" Tae looked at the man behind the desk.

"He-" he hesitated and shook his head.

"He's my ex."

Me and tae looked at each other at the same time. Our expressions were the same.

"What happened to you two?" I asked cautiously. He looked at the picture longingly and looked back down at his desk.

"It's a long story.. but I'll tell it to you guys." He huffed a breath and relaxed. We watched in silence, giving him our whole attention.

"I met Jin when I was in college. He was a transfer and was new, the school told me to show him around and I did. Well I felt really bad for him, he didn't make friends easily and he was a great guy to be around so we became friends, best friends. One thing led to another and we started dating. Then this guy, Jackson, he liked me a lot. He knew I was dating Jin, but he kept coming after me. Well one day after school I was waiting for Jin when Jackson confronted me. I told him to leave me alone, I didn't want anything to do with him. Then out of nowhere he kissed me.. Jin walked out at the wrong time and saw us. He immediately thought I was cheating on him. I begged and pleaded him that it was all a misunderstanding, but he ran away from me, he left Korea and went to the States." He rubbed his forehead and breathed out.

"The wierd thing is. Before he left he told me he would ruin me like I ruined him.." he picked up his pen and stared at it.

"Of course being young back then I didn't know what he meant.."

"But now I know."

"I thought I would never see him again. But I was so fucking wrong.."


/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/But holy furking shit SEOKJIN MODELS ARE FUCKING QUAKING

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