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Red and blue lights flashed outside my house. An ambulance and cop cars rushed to the scene. My hands caked in blood from covering Taehyung's gunshot wound. His lips purple like lavender growing in early spring. His skin white like the walls that surrounded us. His breath shortened every moment.

Death scared me. Death almost took him away from me.


I felt myself sinking.

I looked down at my hands, still covered in blood. The ambulance rocked back and forth speeding throughout the streets of Seoul. I looked at the laying body on the stretcher, wires and tubes connected each arm.

"He'll be okay"

I looked at the girl wearing a blue cap with the caduceus helix in the middle. She placed a hand on my back and gave me a sad smile.

"T-thank you."

I gently rubbed the cloth on my hands, not even realizing my tears were washing away the stains too.


The doors of the ambulance bursted open. Doctors and nurses rushed Taehyung into the hospital. They talked about the wound and where it was. I followed them until we reached the trauma doors. A nurse told me to follow her and to wait until Tae was out of surgery.

I didn't want to leave him again. But I was forced.

I followed the nurse with blue scrubs on to a washroom. She sat me down and cleaned my hands and face from all the blood that I had missed, also handing me a pair of hospital clothes to change into. She then led me into a room and sat me on the bed.

"When you're done changing stay here."

She turned to leave. And I was left alone, again.

I slipped on the paper-like clothes. This feeling of emptiness covered me like a blanket. It's funny. I was happy and smiling my ass off yesterday.

I was happy, with Jungkook.

A pang in my heart caused pain in my chest. I clutched the place where it hurt. Tears pooled at my eyelids and dropped like rain.

"What's the point of crying. What's the point of feeling?"

I wiped the useless water droplets with the back of my hand and sat in the cold empty room. I looked around noticing the room was sad, half-heartedly decorated with a boring painting of a sunflower and posters about health. I stood up and walked to the phone that hanged by the door. I typed in a number and waited for an answer.

"Hey this is Jungkook! I'm sorry I couldn't take the call right now, but I'll get back to you!"

I banged my head on the wall and forced myself not to do that useless action of crying. I dialed another number and waited one more time.

"Hoseok speaking, who is this?"

"Hyung? It's Jimin"

"Ah! Jimin-ah! What's up?"

"T-taehyung.. he got shot.. we're in the hospital.."

"Oh my god. I'm getting Namjoon, we're coming."

"Hurry please.. I don't want to be here alone.."

"You won't be we're coming."

With that he hung up the phone and the line went dead.


The hospital bed crinkled each time I moved. I was uncomfortable and too worried to sleep. I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. I could hear a loud voice yelling outside my door.

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