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Jungkook POV-

The sun started rising slowly in the sky. Peeking through my large windows.

The light shined perfectly on him. His natural glow filled the room. I watched as his small fingers twitched, probably because of the dream he was having. Its cute.

The grey hair on his head flopped all over the place, some on his forehead, some stood up, and the rest were on the couch.

His lips made a natural pout as he was sleeping.

"I'm not a soft and sensitive person. But him sleeping in front of me makes me melt."

I sat up and smiled down at the sleeping figure on my couch. I grabbed his clothes and folded them in a pile and decided to change into my work clothes.


"Jungkook?" I looked behind me and saw a small body with messy bed head.

"Hey" I smiled at him and pulled out the stool next to me for him to sit.

He waddled over and slumped over on the counter. He groaned and winced when the sun peeked through the windows in front of us.

"Hungover?" I slightly whispered, he nodded and sniffled.

I placed my cereal spoon down and got up. I walked to my refrigerator and grabbed a water, then over to my medicine cabinet, and grabbed two ibuprofen for him. I tapped his shoulder and handed it to him.

"Thanks kookie" he took it reluctantly and smiled.

"Kookie?" I watched him swallow the pills.

"It's your nick name, get used to it kid." He pinched my cheek and smiled a showing all his teeth. I laughed silently, I could get used to him saying that.

"You going to work?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're wearing a suit kookie" he giggled at me.

"PFFF yeah duh, I was just testing you" I huffed a little embarrassed.

A faint buzz came from close to me, Jimin's hands traveled on his pants pocket grabbing out a vibrating phone. He opened the phone and answered his phone call.

"Oh you'll be here in 5?" He bounced off his stool and walked to his clothes putting them of quickly, not even bothering with the choker.

I watched him hurry to fix his hair and shove on his boots. I placed my dishes into the sink and walked to the door. Jimin marched to me and looked at me.

"Let's walk out together, I have to go anyways"

"It's 9:30 and I have to go to work at 10:30. I just want to spend more time with you."

"Alright" he nodded and I opened the door.

The elevator dinged and opened it's doors. We walked over to the exit.

"I'll text you okay?" I said to him while he fiddled with his jacket.

"I don't have your number" he looked at me and scrunched his eyebrows

"I gave it to you last night"

"Ohh I was probably too drunk to notice" he giggled and stopped when we exited the building.

"I'll see you later kookie" I nodded and smiled at him.

I watched him as he walked to a black Pontiac G8. A tall figure sat on the side of the car, he smiled when he noticed the grey haired boy. Jimin was in front of him now, he grabbed the tall mans jaw and squished it making the taller smile.

"Who is that?"

The top of my lip started twitching, I turned my head away and pressed my tongue to my cheek. I looked back them and realized Jimin was waving at me, I raised my hand and waved back. I looked at the tall man that was by him, he wore a frown when he looked at me, he elbowed Jimin making him go into the car.

"Hm." The Pontiac sped away from my sight.

"I don't know him, but I hate him."


Damn this chapter too boringggg.

Updating every three days :D promise the next chapter is better ;)

Updating every three days :D promise the next chapter is better ;)

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