•Trouble in Paradise•

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Author POV-

Its been 2 days since the text from Taehyung had been sent. Jimin didn't know how to answer, well he just didn't know how he would tell his best friend that he had fallen for their target. And even worse enough, Jimin still hasn't told Jungkook about how he had been undercover spy. His main point was to kill but a different emotion came when the older boy looked into the younger boys eyes. Jungkook felt the same way too. But he knows something. He doesn't know what that something was, but it caused him problems inside. He noticed that Jimin would hide many things from him. Especially since the Taehyung incident he had been keeping his phone shut off, and when the phone rang he would pretend he didn't hear it. Many wouldn't know this but he is observant. He watches the older boys every move. He was very open about himself, but his personal life? No answers from him. Jungkook told Jimin every little thing about him. He told small things he had a mole on the top of his head to big secrets he never told his friends.

Jungkook trusts Jimin, but does the older trust Jungkook?

He doesn't know. But they both have secrets. The real question is.. Will they tell each other the truth?..


Jimin POV-

The bonfire tonight was burning hot, but the night breeze in Hawaii was chilly, balancing the opposites. I sat with my knees to my chest, the oversized sweater I wore felt like heaven on my skin. I leaned my head to the side and watched the sparks of the fire spew into the wind.

"Jimin?" Jungkook came from the shadows of the early night.


"Can we talk?"

He stood by the fire, hands tucked into his jacket. He looked at me deeply, I could see a hint of sadness in those brown beautiful eyes, and I didn't like it.

"Yeah come sit, I want to talk to." I scooted over on the couch swing. He plopped himself down and stared into the fire.

"You can go first Kookie" He nodded and let out a deep sigh.

"Jimin hyung, do you love me?"

My body froze when he said the word love.


"Yes, Love. Not like, Love."

I sniffled and looked at the fire again.

"Jungkook, before I answer that. Do you love me?" I looked at him as leaned his head onto the rope of the swing.

"I love you so much hyung."

After he said those words, even more spilled from his mouth.

"I love you Jimin."

"I don't know if you love me but I can't help but love you.."

"You're perfect"

"People don't treat you right.. but.. but I know if you just give me a chance, I'll make you happy.."

"And whoever that 'Tae' guy is, if he's your ex or not, he comes near you I promise that you'll never hear from him."

Orange color filled Jungkook's face from the fire, streaks of tears ran down his cheeks.

"Jimin. Just let me love you ple-"

"I love you Jungkook" I cut him off loudly.

He turned to me with red eyes, his mouth formed into a pout/smile.

"Come here" I opened my arms, letting the crying boy climb into them. I leaned my head against his and rubbed his back.

"I've loved you since the first time we locked eyes." I kissed the top of his head and combed his hair. He sniffled softly and looked at me.

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